Getting ready for a winter trip? Or maybe just getting prepared for those of us living in the snowy mountains of Humboldt County. Either way its better to be prepared then caught in a snow storm with no chains and no snow plow coming through anytime soon.
What are snow chains?
Snow Chains are chains that are fitted around the tire to help improve tire traction in slippery, hazardous conditions. They are crucial in preventing your car from spinning out when braking in the snow. They come in a range of patterns and materials to best fit your driving needs.
Do I need Snow Chains?
Snow chains are only necessary on snow covered or icy roads, using chains on plowed roads can be damaging to your car and the road. If you are using them on an unplowed road and come to a plowed road pull over and remove your chains before continuing. It’s best to be prepared when going to snowy locations and keep a pair in your car incase you reach an unplowed road or get stuck in a storm. It’s better to have them and never need them then get stuck in a situation where you really need them.
How do I use Chains?
If you’ve never used chains before, try putting them on and taking them off at home before going on a trip. That way if you have to pull off the road in a snow storm you know what you’re doing. If you do pull off the road to put on your chains make sure to put on your hazards and wearing some sort of reflective ware is recommended since visibility is very low during a storm. Remember when you’re driving with chains on not to exceed 30mph and to drive carefully, chains help improve traction but you still have to be extra cautious driving in the snow.
Do I need Chains on all my wheels?
Short answer yes, it is ideal to have chains on all four tires. Technically on two-wheel drive cars chains can be attached to just the wheels on the drive axle, but its much safer to have them on all four. Four-wheel drive cars should always have them on all four tires.
Give one of our friendly Service Advisors a call today or pop by our store for all your Snow Chain needs. We’ll be happy to assist you in ordering the right set for your vehicle.
Safe driving from us here at Old Town Auto Service!